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Yes day for girls

On november 17th all girls must say yes to anything

if a guy asks for her pen she needs to say yes day for girls

by inszoe November 17, 2020

Half way to Ye

Nearly crazy or left of mainstream. Controversial.

โ€œGurl, you half way to Ye thinking those eyebrows look good!โ€

by Cat@22 December 8, 2022

you fucking yes

Used in place of eugt, when you don't want to use such strong language.

Obama: You fucking yes.
Bob: ๐Ÿ˜”

by RealTCC May 30, 2020

Yes nut novmber

thur the 15 to the 23rd you can nut every year

Me and the bois going to save the boys with the yes nut novmber from the evil no nut novmber

by Yesnutnov November 19, 2019

Oh yes daddy

You can say it to your father figure when you agree with him. Or when your daddy says he's about to cum into you you can say that as well.

Hey Amanda! Do you wanna go on a roadtrip? Oh yes Daddy!
A-amanda i-i'm cumming ooooohhh!!!! Oh yes Daddy~!

by HIHIHIHI@)(*@!)( June 3, 2023

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yo mum ye

Guy 1: 'Step 1, roast the potatoes.'
Guy 2: *doesn't get it* 'YO MUM YE!!'


*akward convo*
Guy speaking: 'blah blah blah... so what about you?'
Other guy: 'erm... YO MUM YE'
Guy: '...'

*akward convo*
Guy speaking: 'blah blah blah... so what about you?'
Other guy: 'erm... YO MUM YE'
Guy: '...'

by Londos June 27, 2023

Shitebag if ye don't

Shitebag if ye don't is a common Scottish phrase that translates to "your a pussy if you don't do it" and are the most motivational four words any human can hear.

Billy: shall I ask this lassie out

Graham: shitebag if ye don't

Billy: alright then

by BillyNaeBaws July 9, 2022

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