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very bad, unpleasant, or harmful. or says “we’re not in a relationship”, “i’m not ready for a relationship”, “it’s not you it’s me”, “leave just like the rest of them do”, “i miss you big head

Reginald Boyd is very toxic.

by itshonestlywhateveratp February 6, 2020



Katie you are so toxic… you don’t even have to ask

by Katie’s meaning January 19, 2025



Bianca: post me on your priv right now or we're breaking up
Kayla: no thats weird your toxic

by the_true_name_definer ;) November 7, 2020


The quality of being mean or aggressive towards somebody, often while trying to force them into doing something.

" That Vegan Teacher is so toxic. "

by dictionaryblob128 May 22, 2022



Yo I saw that toxic waste on discord he added me! Who that dubnitious kid? FUCK YEA That was his name!

by Dubnitious January 29, 2019


1:harmful substance that can kill you
2:just some stupid tryhard/noobs that pisses people off by using their mouth cannon

This thing is toxic so don't drink it.
He is toxic af don't try to talk with him

by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 12, 2019


Someone who is Toxic with their behavior or way of acting. They need an attitude check. Their personalities are so unappealing its make the people around them suffer and turn rude as well. Toxic people find pleasure in spreading their toxicity to others.

The word ''Toxic'' became more used in the 21st to the 22nd century, when Anvarll joined the rust community. It was known as the Great Anvarll Plague.

''Omg! Anvarll is so toxic! He is such a roleplayer!!'' - Every Rust Player

by TheRustCommunity March 9, 2018