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P hub hero

P hub hero A man who puts a porn on that everyone loves Good quality of the porno

I want to be a p hub Hero

by Kingofdick May 2, 2022

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We Can Be Heroes

An Australian TV show written, directed and acted by Chris Lilley, who also did Summer Heights High. It does not have much recognition as it isn't as funny as Summer Heights High.

Person 1: OMG I <3 summer heights high.
Person 2: Have you seen we can be heroes
Person 1: WTF is that

Person 2: Its done by the dude who does Summer heiights high, chris lilley
Person 1: why would i watch that, it dosnt have jonah in it
Person 2: Are you retarded??

by Anonymous2010xD June 19, 2010

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Guitar Hero 4

Neversoft's answer/copy of Harmonix's Rock Band.

Bob: Hey you know Guitar Hero 4? It's going to have drums and singing!
Bill: Oh, you mean just like Rock Band?

by hhcash June 15, 2008

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Guitar Hero ramble

The act of or talking in complete shit, while playing the game Guitar Hero.

While playing the new Guitar Hero 3 game, my friend, Josh Duncan, started shouting Guitar Hero ramble. Which in return made me mad, because i was asking him about Bebo, and the genius that he is answered, "Chicken."

by Josh Beck November 18, 2007

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random hero

A girl/guy you hook up with, not knowing anything about them. Perhaps meeting them that night!

Hey andrew, who was that random hero that left this morning?

by don23 October 7, 2008

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My hero academia

Idk some anime with a cringe fan base

Famtard: hey man wanna watch my hero academia?
Chad: fuck no I'm watching jojo

by Goku221 March 2, 2021

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Guitar Hero Bends

The sensation that the room is spinning or melting after playing long sessions of Guitar Hero. Also a similar sensation to tripping balls

"Man this room got all messed up after i stopped playing" "Nah you just got the Guitar Hero Bends"

by Poptart419 January 3, 2010

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