Source Code

T Wolfing

When you own a 1995 yamaha timberwolf and you get crazy on it in the snow!

yo johnny just got buck around that corner on the twolf! so now he is T Wolfing

by donlin259 May 19, 2010

T pose

a pose which is regularly used for NPCs.

Hey bro,i just saw a man T pose,it was crazy

by lashiklo March 18, 2023

More T

When you don’t want any more T’s on your Minecraft house so you say “no more t” but serenity doesn’t listen so you say the opposite.

More T b*tch.

by Mommi Loves Mommi June 2, 2020


A Terminator, Terminator.

With The Upgrade of Advanced Human Behavioural and Psychological Knowledge.
T-850 Sent Back in Time to Correct The T-800's Mistakes.

by T-850 October 2, 2023


Somebody who falls in love with strippers, buys drinks for the bartender at 5:00 in the morning and seriously needs to take their ass to church!

Guy1: What ever happened to T-Pain? He used to be so big, why did his career fall off so hard?
Guy2: He was too busy falling in love with strippers and buying drinks for the bartender that he wasn't able to focus on his music career and he fell off.
Guy1: I can't believe it!
Guy2: I know right!

by Icy Wyte October 21, 2022


A thong, or women’s underwear designed to cover the genitals, perineum and anus but leave the most of the buttocks uncovered.

Sat: Yoooo I saw Becca in the hall the other day, she bout fine as what.
Andy: Does she boot the t-setup?

Sat: of course she boots the t, it’s Becca Dermatitis, my Khaleesi

Andy: Bout p

by xXLiquidNitrousXx December 6, 2022


adj. the inability to use t9 (predictive text). t9 was designed to make typing text messages easier; however, the user must be smarter than the phone for feature to work properly. t-tardedness is enhanced with alcohol consumption.

"dude - do you ever read your nonsense texts before pressing the send button? you're totally t-tarded!"

by Irish Goddess August 26, 2008