When a man is in bed with his girls and has to fart, but he pulls the covers tightly over his body to protect her.
I would have died last night if Frank hadn't pulled the bomb blanket over his ass.
One who sends a snapchat to all of his or her contacts.
Jules sent me this wicked snap!
Yeah I got the same one, what a blanket snapper!
A guy or girl used by a love interest for the sole purpose of listening to problems and offer sympathy. Often manipulated, a sympathy blanket gets little reciprocation from the relationship.
“James you need to leave her, you’re turning into a sympathy blanket.”
The opposite of a wet blanket. Someone who immediately makes things grimey for better or worse.
Jamal : Oh so we’re having people over tonight? Let’s invite Nate
Phil : Fuck no dog Nate’s a dirty blanket. Every time he pulls up he brings an 8 ball and I end up nose deep in some Columbia Bam Bam and a mentally ill Latina. I love the guy but I got work tomorrow.
Don’t invite Jorge to the function, he’s a dirty blanket. He always shows up off the pookie and scares the hoes.
When a white guy comes in a niggers mouth... Male of female.
Then adds cotton balls to the mixture.
Tape or seal the victims mouth so they can't spit. Put the nigger in stocks and put a white pointy hood on them for a day to marinate in their mouth. After 24 hours, your material will be perfect!!
Untie and get the nigger to remove the contents/ cotton from its mouth and make them knit you a blanket from that special concoction.
When I was a kid, my grandparents used their cotton pickers to make them dirty blanket.
I was given this blanket as a baby. And so on.
2👍 1👎
a fine that every rookie has to pay at the beginning of the year at court to go towards some sort of team party.
the rookie blanket is 4$ and is due next practice
getting creampied and not getting to the bathroom quick enough so it leaks all over your blankets
Wesley blanket cakes me.