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-The bubble in pizza dough on the crust.

"I don't what that piece, it has a huge buffalo."

by Joys husband May 15, 2021


When someone is faking being under the influence of any type of drugs or alcohol; trying to act cool in front of friends of other groups etc.

Dude Paul was buffaloing so hard at that party last night, he was probably trying to act cool in front of his friends.

by Lilnigga February 28, 2020


a weird, skinny, japanese man or woman who can eat many hot dogs in one minute.

"That guy is such a buffalo."

by BrieTralala February 1, 2009


A pretty cool small town in north central wyoming. It may be full of lazy retirees, have almost no places to eat and is a bit 'remote' by some standards lol. BUT: it's still an amazing little town full of amazing people! With mountains! And a stream! But don't move here. It's full.

Buffalo Wyoming: The Other Buffalo!

by Mollerito the human burrito April 20, 2024


Michael Buford

Buffalo is Michael Buford

by Angrockshair June 12, 2023


Noun: A handsome guy with a nice figure. Can refer to buff or slender guys. Soccer players and football players can both be buffalo.

Sara: Buffalo. 2 o'clock.
Sam: Dark hair?
Sara: I think his names Rob, total buffalo.

by charmingone:) November 23, 2010


Something you say if you catch your friend drinking with their non dominant hand before placing it back down

Friend - *drinks with non dominant hand*
You- “Buffalo”
Friend- “dammit you got me” *proceeds to chug the rest of his/her drink*

by Scoooooooter August 26, 2021