Bullet cannon is what a toilet sees after you scoff down too many pigs n blankets and sweaty chicken legs on Christmas Day.
Joel pulls down his white Calvin klein boccys in the staff toilets and shreds his bullet cannon at maximum velocity, a staff member catches this and shouts ewwwwww stenchy bullet cannon, Joel u are a dirty tramp!!!
She sucked on my silk cannon until it started shooting missiles
Noun - Refers to any firearms in the AK-47 family of rifles. This term was coined by the infamous Dan_TSX of AR15.com.
I just sold my dildo to fund a new underfolder aids cannon.
Friend 1: "I have a massive penis"
Friend 2: "No I have seen your cannon cock, its just wide"
When a drumstick is shoved inside a woman, and the drumstick is fired out with enough force to stick to the wall.
After that powerful queen Cannon you'll never get the deposit back on the apartment
The act of forcefully passing a kidney stone by ejaculating.
There was no other option but to blow out the stone like a loaded cannon.
When a person doesn’t shit for a day or two and have to go badly and begin to explode shit all over a unexpecting person who can be asleep.
Dude I wanna do a loaded cannon on Jim tonight