An awful human being. ginger. Probably a neo-nazi, Charles Joseph Crane is a racist, but his jokes are hilarious. Freakishly tall.
You don't want to be this guy.
Guy 1: Have you heard of Charles Joseph Crane?
Guy 2: He can go fuck himself.
When your opponent gambits his Queen for a pawn and he instantly loses the game by hanging mate in 1
Wow Tony used the Charles Gambit , Immeasurable Variation
A Welsh business man in the webtoon "Let's Play" He is the main love interest of Samara Young.
Girl 1: "Did you read Let's Play?
Girls 2: "Yeah! Charles Jones is so hot!!"
Girl 1: "I know right?!"
smelly fertilizer that you pour over dead bodys to bury them.
hey mom i put some charles mulch on the people next door already!
A bisexual person (usually sexy).
Are you one of Charles’ friends?
some who is a rambob... or a "random bob"
Lily Charles is such a rambob!