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crud crack

any crack or orifice that contains stincky body crud. such as toenail crud, bum crud, or poon crud

man that chick must have over 400 crud cracks.

by thoth-amon February 16, 2009

3👍 1👎

Straggle crack

A straggle crack is someone strung out on drugs, wearing the same pair of jeans for weeks, may resemble slender man and may sleep under a bridge.

This Straggle Crack I used to bartend with never showed up on time and when he did he was always high and wearing the clothes he slept in.

by Roman K. January 12, 2021

crack heating

Act of warming your hands by putting them in your buttcrack

It's so cold outside, he had to use crack heating to warm his hands.

by psudorandom December 25, 2022

crack the corner

not being able to find a restroom while drinking and driving,so one looks for a dumpster bin,alley or back of a building and urinates in the crack of a corner.

I was driving around drinking and couldn't find a restroom so i had to crack the corner.

by binge drinker to the max May 4, 2011

corals on the crack

The act of performing Analingus and chewing tiny holes through the skin around the outer ring of the Anal cavity prior to having Anal sex. Pleasure pain. Extreme Analingus.

My bae asked me if I had any sexual fantasies! And I said "I want to give you Corals on the crack and finish with a rusty trombone."

by WOODKUSH May 1, 2016

crack episode

an episode of a show that usually doesn't have much to do with the main plot and is usually filmed on a set that they only use once. ex: the beach episode in OHSHC

Did you see that crack episode? It was so random.

by xyleenia September 22, 2015

Crack Sample

Crack dealers like all drug dealers offer you a free taste of their product to get you hooked on its effects. Now everyday products are being referred to as crack because of its popularity or consumer reception causing a buying frenzy. Recently I even heard the use of "crack sample" being used to refer to the offering of intimacy by a newly formed couple to entice the other person (or spouse) to accept requests or allowed to be manipulated by the offering of the "intimacy crack sample"; very similar to being "whipped"!

Example 1:
Joe BagOfDoughnuts: "Hey Johnny don't worry this is just a crack sample, just taste it. If you don't like it its free anyway"!

CrackHead Johnny: "OMG that crack sample was da' bomb, I need more"!

Example 2:
Johnny Wishbone: "holy cow that dude hangs on her every word"!

Fred: "she must of given him a crack sample and he's working for more"!

Example 3:
Seamore: "holy cow Shimmy Sham those Justin Bieber tickets are selling like crack"!

Shimmy Sham: "too bad they're not giving crack samples away"!

by The Shimmy Sham January 23, 2013