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Dancing On The Rails

Doing something extremely stupid or reckless usually for the amusement of others or for the thrill of doing something daring. Often occurs as a result of peer pressure.

The expression originates from the urban myth(?) of someone dancing on the railroad tracks and paying for the foolish mistake with their life.

Dana: Look at Jimmy. He’s dancing on the rails again

Bill: What an idiot! He’ll get hurt if he doesn’t stop it!

by The Captive Spirit September 12, 2010

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Willy Dance

When no neck men blow off some steam and cause a mass Facebook humourfest.

Neil had a Willy Dance last night... 300 comments later on Facebook and no one is doing any work!

by Mike@Vault October 29, 2013

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kitchen dance

Too many people in the same kitchen space, while they all try and do different things.

Waiting for someone to get out of the way because you need a fork and knife and they need a spoon at the same time. There is no need to apologize because we are all just doing the kitchen dance. Now get out of my way I'm hungry.

Dancing to music in the kitchen.

by brentwood15 January 25, 2014

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When a girl squats down on some poor fool's face and moves her hips around. It's womankind's eqivalent to tea-bagging.

Zombie Stripper: My boss was totally being a dick to me.
Other Zombie Stripper: Why would you take that from him?
Zombie Stripper: Dont worry, I knocked him on the floor and drowned him with a Face-Dance

by The Man Your Man Wishes He Was February 26, 2011

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Fortnite Dancing

The dances that if your kids do you need to abandon them

I think your kid has been diagnosed with an unfixable disease called Fortnite Dancing in public.

by phat4realll September 9, 2020

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bullet dance

The violent jerking and twisting that a person does when they are struck by many bullets in rapid succession.

The French Hostage Rescue Team opened fire upon the hostage-taker as he rushed them, causing him to do the bullet dance before dying.

by crazyasafox January 28, 2015

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Western Dance

The simple yet elegant twitching-type dance maneuver performed when one finds out that they have been admitted into Western Washington University. It is performed by the dancer first blurting the word, "Western" one time. The dancer then begins twisting the hips sharply in a horizontal direction while rocking the shoulders from side to side, and keeping your hands completely straight (as in The Robot or a karate chop) close to one's chest and jerking them up and down. This dance normally calls for two people, doing the same dance face-to-face.

Person 1: "Dude, Brady just got into Western too!"
Person 2: "I know! I saw him over by the vending machines doin' the Western Dance."

Brady: "...western." (Dancing)

by bennedictus May 19, 2010

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