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Dank Tish

A very high quality tissue. One can use the phrase when they are actually in need of a good Puffs Plus and/or Kleenex OR in place of any other phrase in order to make people feel stupid for not knowing wat DT is (a foreign accent is preferred for pronunciation)

Lindsey's got the dankest tish!

Man, Ellie's got the flu bad... Girl needs some dank tish.

by Sickynarnar09 November 22, 2009

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Wicked Dank

A phrase, originating from so far in upstate New York it might as well be Canada, meaning "incredibly awesome" or "insanely cool". This phrase usually comes out as just one word, "wicke-dank. Normally said by people 5'2" or shorter, because once an individual reaches 5'3", they are assumed to be mature enough to abandon this phrase and act maturely. Other activities that are abandoned when an individual grows taller than 5'2" are licking paper and "just wanting to dance".

This paper tastes wicked dank!
Ducks can fly? that's wicked dank!

by 'Jamin92 November 16, 2010

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Dank Memes

Fucked Up Memes

I'm sorry, are my dank memes bad?

by WVG March 5, 2017

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Dank meme

A hilarious photo or series of videos. Most memes involves bottom and up text making a funny joke while there might be other memes that are videos.

I love dank memes

by Dank memes are spicy October 24, 2017

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Dank Memes

A dank meme is not just a joke its a way of life. A dank meme is a perfect example of heaven on earth. A dank meme is everything. And everything is nothing.

"dank memes are life Dave"
"dank memes are everything Liam

by MemeAlot August 25, 2017

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Dank Memes

The root of all cancer

Did you hear little Jimmy overdosed on dank memes.

by wAEZTSxdcfgv January 31, 2017

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dank memes

totally mind-blowing pictures on the internet that depict hilarious scenes and images. These pictures are measured on a scale of dankness, 1 = scrubby dank meme, 10 = dankest meme in history

Yo, wanna come over and make some dank memes? We could make one of Kim Kardashian's huge breasts.
Dude, my life is a dank meme.

The Dank Frog is the coolest dank meme ever.
I was attacked by dank memes during my dreams.

by ilovedankmemes September 28, 2017

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