Diego’s are very funny. He will always be there for you and always make you laugh. But be careful. He can easily be very bipolar. Diego’s know how to easily be a dick to you but then act like nothing happened the next minute. Very stubborn. But asking HELLA cute 🥵
“Diego was being a really big dick”
“But he’s cute tho”
Diego is a person who always gets bad grades.
Teacher: Who gets bad grades?
Diego: Oh you mean me?
A person of Mexican decent who can pull anyone they want and can pipe
Diego is so sexy
perfect man especially if they date an emma
guy 1: bro you see that dude diego over there by he’s perfect
guy 2: yeah dude since he’s perfect emma ’s going out with him, there both so perfect for each other ther
man 1: woahhh there’s diego
man 2: yeah what about him?
man 1: cmon we all know he’s packin
A man who cant get over girls
Usually used by people for money
Someone who is treated very poorly by society due to being unattractive
or being a creepy people pleaser
"Yeah Diego always buys me food"