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Pene is diego

by Tyrone33333335 November 23, 2021


Diego’s are very funny. He will always be there for you and always make you laugh. But be careful. He can easily be very bipolar. Diego’s know how to easily be a dick to you but then act like nothing happened the next minute. Very stubborn. But asking HELLA cute 🥵

“Diego was being a really big dick
“But he’s cute tho

by momzdad April 15, 2020


Diego is a person who always gets bad grades.

Teacher: Who gets bad grades?
Diego: Oh you mean me?

by Orgienmeister November 25, 2021


A person of Mexican decent who can pull anyone they want and can pipe

Diego is so sexy

by Andrew cortex November 23, 2021


perfect man especially if they date an emma

guy 1: bro you see that dude diego over there by he’s perfect
guy 2: yeah dude since he’s perfect emma ’s going out with him, there both so perfect for each other ther

by urbigjuciymomma December 22, 2021


a man w a big cock

man 1: woahhh there’s diego
man 2: yeah what about him?
man 1: cmon we all know he’s packin

by urbigjuciymomma March 20, 2022


A man who cant get over girls

Usually used by people for money

Someone who is treated very poorly by society due to being unattractive

or being a creepy people pleaser

"Yeah Diego always buys me food"

by Rufusbarks January 23, 2025