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Free Nut

You have one free pass to make pleasure to yourself!

I used up my β€œfree nut” pass now I can’t nut again until December 1st

by Teddy Bears November 1, 2019

25πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

free basing

Taking cocaine and mixing with water, then placing in a piece of cupped tin foil. You then light a flame under the tin foil piece until smoke emits and inhale through a glass pipe...the high is unparalleled

yo mer be free basing that cocaine like a crack whore

by Alexandra E. Barnes November 15, 2007

107πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

sucka free

1) Finally kicking a POS boyfriend to the curb after a long and crappy relationship. Usually to the relief of all friends and family.
2) Single Status Female

"Hey girl, are you going out with your man tonight?"
"Hell no! I am sucka free!"

"Sucka free and happy as can be!!"

by Barbarella March 18, 2005

231πŸ‘ 301πŸ‘Ž

Free Bleeding

Free Bleeding is an unsettling feminist trend in which women on their periods refuse to use tampons and other feminine hygiene products and instead let blood flow freely from their uterus and down their legs. The logic behind this is that tampons are a male-created product that promotes patriarchy by tricking women into raping themselves.

My aunt decided to try free bleeding. I now refuse to sit on any of her furniture.

by Origamidragons October 18, 2015

47πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


The activity of smoking a specially prepared form of the drug cocaine. The crushed crack cocaine is usually placed in a spoon or a beaker where it is heated by a flame. The user inhales the fumes from the burning cocaine and receives their high from this.

Joe is in the other room free-basing.

by Andrew Bennett May 4, 2004

63πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

free republic

The infamous website generally attributed to the conservative platform. Founded by Jim Robinson and based out of Fresno, California, Free Republic is more or less a political discussion group and news forum.

Like any social organization, Free Republic is made up of a varying cross section of society. It has moderates, extremists, Republican-lites, RINOS, Libertarians, even Democrat or left-wing lurkers.

At Free Republic, you'll find lively discussions of current news stories from all over the world, running the gamut of topics and sources. You'll also find members supporting various causes typical of the Conservative agenda (known as FReeping), but again, like all organisations, you'll also find varying degrees of activism and participation.

Visitors to FreeRepublic should, as in all situations regarding dissenting opinion, view the forum with an open mind before making judgements

by Minerva442 June 12, 2005

179πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž

Gluten Free

Description of something usually, but not always, politically correct while being affected at the same time.

Q: Did you see her new Toyota Prius?

A: Yeah I saw it. That's SO gluten free!

Jim: "He quit his job to go work for Green Peace."
Bob: "Are you serious dude? That's just f@#king gluten free is what that is."

by holdontheresparky October 3, 2013

28πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž