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one hour program

the solution to most of our problems.

if it takes more than an one hour program to fix something we get bored and walk away.the plumber, the cake decorator, the paramour, all have one hour to fix it or lose the job.

by mgpaperboy January 15, 2007

the red bull hour

That time of day when, all of a sudden, your pet, or a person, gets a sudden, almost volcanic, burst of energy. The red bull hour does not require the consumption of red bull.

It always gets to be around 7pm when my dog Frank will hit the red bull hour and will run screaming around the garden like the devil is on his tail. After the red bull hour Frank is always ready to go to bed for the night.

by wife of Keith John January 25, 2012

Four Hour Friend

A friend who you can only stand for short periods of time; four hours for example. One can be really good four hour friends, but it must be maintained only in short durations.

Oh yeah, me and Natalie are four hour friends; once we hang out for five hours we just scream at each other.

by Mtucker December 8, 2014

Sad Boi Hour

Sad boi hour is basically when you sit in your room at night listening to sad music and crying.

Warning: sad boi hour can easily be turned into mad boi hour if you don’t cry!

Sad Boi Hour MUST include:
-sad music


-dimmed lights

Optional (but recommended):

-Essential Scents

Person one: Hey I just had my sad boi hour

Person two: oh how was it?

Person one: good. The songs really hit hard this time and I cried a lot

Person two: that’s good man!

by squiggly wigglies December 10, 2019

Twelve Hour Rule

When you have finally reached the point in life where you can eat things after multiple hours and only feel slightly like a gross ass bitch.

Dylan used the twelve hour rule with his ramen.

by Dylan'sKeeper September 1, 2016

Real Dude Hours

real nigga hours for white dudes who are too pussy to say nigga.

Jamal: Hey, Peter, what time is it?!

Peter: Uhhh...
Jamal: Reallll...
Peter: Real Dude hours??
Jamal: White ass bitch-boy. Good for you.

by imgoingtokillmyself June 24, 2016

sad cuh hours

when la toxica breaks up with you and nobody wants to be with you and all you do is be sad cuh hours

my girl broke up with me i gonna listen to jugaste y sufri by eslabon armado and dannylux now im sad cuh hours

by Htx.Cuheditz November 14, 2022