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Country Hipster / Cuntsters

A normal Hipster tool, who thinks dressing like the Kings of Leon pardons his Ultra-hipster sense of regular wank clothing. Usually these Cuntsters hang in small bands, play instruments such as Ukuleles and Maracas. This species of renegade hipster recently discovered artists such as Johnny Cash they also wear Cowboy hats paying homage to the species favorite movie "Broke-Back Mountain". They also "Dig" barns way more then one should "Dig" a barn. These Cuntsters have travelled to countries such as South America, Indonesia and Thailand in search of mad swell to Froth on.

Country Hipster / Cuntsters: What should we wear tonight?

Hipster: I was thinking a Sweater 3 size too small for me?

Country Hipster / Cuntsters: Na Bra, Flannelette, trucker cap and no shoes with way-farers?

Hipster: Ok, Wolfpack howling at moon shirt it is.

by Jeffrey Rosenballs January 3, 2012

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country club u

Short for "Country Club University". Derisively denotes a university known for its higher academic standards but more especially for the wealthy, beautiful, and often conservative students who often have the polos, cars and country club memberships to show off their status.

In Ontario, this distinction is often given to Queen's University and the University of Western Ontario. In the case of UWO, the university was literally built on the site of the old Hunt Club, so it earns its distinction twice.

"Kids at that school think they're so great- its nothing but a country club u."

by Herwits October 15, 2007

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Detroit Country Day

A private preparatory school in the Detroit Metropolitan area.

A school where the boys go on to be frat boy rapists and the girls use their daddy’s money to pay for drugs and alcohol while they spend their life posing for sorority Instagram pages.

Frat boy 1: where did you go to high school?
Frat boy 2: Detroit Country Day hbu?
Frat boy 1: oh same.

by jboy432 March 26, 2021

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Big Country Kalinka

When your sexual partner strips naked, bathes themselves in country style gravy and covers themselves in tater tots, then they proceed to sing "Kalinka" by the Red Choir of Russia while fucking you in the ass. *Best if performed after shoving an entire grade A potato up your butt.*

My girlfriend and I tried that Big Country Kalinka thing last night and my ass is still numb.

by The Mighty Dozer October 2, 2018

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country day school

A really shitty school located in king city Ontario. Staff are shit, people are shit, whole school is trash and nobody like it

Ew you go to the country day school?

by Harvarddropout February 26, 2019

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the country road creature

A creature made by Trevor Henderson, I don’t know much about it.

Jim:Yo Jake I just heard something outside our car, also why is there a white arm next to my window?

by November 30, 2020

a good country one

A good shite

I need a good country one

by irishtomboy July 9, 2014

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