Joe Chema is a man of many Mysteries and no one knows who exactly this person his but his name is often yelled for random reasons or just for fun.
Ex “Joe Chema” said Deebs, “who is this dude man?” Says his friend
When you shit yourself on an airplane after drinking coffee and have to throw your underwear away.
I almost pulled an uncle Joe but I made it in time! That was close.
The two word phrase Kamookie Joe is used to describe marijuana in any form. Kamookie Joe or the verb Kamookie Joed is also used to describe the feeling/state of being very intoxicated by any drug. The phrase Kamookie Joed is most often used when refering to a person who is extremely high on marijuana over any other drug.Kamookie Joe or simply just Kamookie is used as a describing word for almost any situation/object whether good or bad making it difficult for an outsider of the culture to understand what is being said or the intent of an individual.
I am so Kamookie Joed man.
That is some potent Kamookie Joe.
That's just Kamookie Joe.
I am so excited about that Kamookie.
the ugliest person alive.he lies about everything.has a shrimp of a dick.And cheats on everyone he dates
omg dickhead joe is so ugly he cheated on me
A person who likes other people's moms
My mom is hoping there will be lots of Joe Thomas's at the concert. She's hoping to get some.
Joe is a former member of the tv show Impractical Jokers:( . He will be greatly missed on the show. He is HILARIOUS! You gotta love Joe.
Person 1: “Who’s your favorite joker?”
Person 2: “Joe Gatto! He’s the best”
Person 1: “I know! I’m so sad he left”
The action of interesting your cock into joes butthole
Hey Evan wanna do Hashimo joe