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Meme Lord


Meme Lord? That’s me!

by β€”.:xX[SUPERLEGEND]Xx:.β€” August 7, 2019

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Meme Lord


Meme lord? That’s me.

by β€”.:xX[SUPERLEGEND]Xx:.β€” August 7, 2019

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Meme Lord

Finn Wolfhard

Friend: What's a "Meme Lord"?

Me: Finn Wolfhard.

by FinnTheMemeLord July 8, 2018

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carry lord

Being a carry lord is the act of putting your team in your backpack and taking them up the mountain to your castle. Occasionally treating them to a gg after you're done.

Damn Jahari is a fuckin carry lord, wish he was on my team every game.

by TeamCaptainBrian April 5, 2016

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lord savage

Lord savage means the almighty the top dog no man or anything over powers him or her you become a lord savage by a whole bunch of trails but only the choosen one will be lord savage and he who calls his self lord savage can site other people's power level. Lord savage is the highest you can go.

I am the almighty lord savage no one can over take me

by lord savage November 26, 2015

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lord sleepy

the realist man with the realist attributes. Lord Sleepy is one of a kind and is super smart, funny and outgoing. a man with a dream, Lord Sleepy is not afraid to do what it takes to ensure that his dreams eventually become a reality. Sleepy is usually a straightforward person who is not afraid to tell you about yourself.

Guy 1: Man Im hungry , I want to buy 10 big macs !
Sleepy: You know you're broke and can only afford 1 junior chicken and small fries.

Guy 1: Damn, I've been Lord Sleepy'd

by Lord Sleepy March 14, 2017

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Lord rats are members who are in the discord of calaforex clan. To BECOME a LORDRAT, you shall join our discord, and to do that, go into calaforex clans video description and join trough there. WELCOME RATS, WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD

Rat: You a LORDRAT
Chicken: No? wtf is a lord rat
Rat: *kills*

by RatSoldier August 30, 2019

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