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fucking clusterfuck of fuck

An indescribably complicated and horrific disaster of a confusing and convoluted nature

My international management group project is a fucking clusterfuck of fuck

by kingfurykiller November 17, 2011


To express extreme dismay.

Now that Obama's president, we're all fucked.

by obamafuckingsucksballs May 6, 2010

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an old english acronym for

written down by police when they caught people having sexual intercourse in public. now just means to have sexual intercourse

Girl-I'm a virgin.
Guy-So you don't fuck?
Girl-Not yet!

by Nina November 10, 2006

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The word 'Fuck' originated in a phrase during a conflict between England and the French pre-napoleonic era. The British archers 'plucked' their crossbows, sending a hellfire of death towards the French soldiers. This struck fear into their hearts,and the British archers were feared in battle. When a band of these archers were captured, the French commander ordered that these men have their middle fingers amputated to assure that they would never be able to properly fire a crossbow again. The amputated comrades stumbled back to their armies, and the entirety of England caught wind of this blasphemy. The English rushed a French line and captured dozens of soldiers. It is said that once of the soldiers exclaimed "Pluck you" as a sign of defiance and hatred of the opposing army before killing the captured soldiers.

The middle finger thus is known as a sign of hatred. Moreover, "Pluck you" has evolved and changed with society and the times over the hundreds of years, eventually falling slang to "f**k you".

The English soldier uttered, "pluck you," starting a line of change throughout history for the phrase, eventually morphing into the common word 'fuck.'

by xHistorianx August 10, 2006

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Flogging Use Carnal Knolwedge: When sailors went to sea and, during a long voyage, would tell stories of a sexual nature; if caught would be flogged meaning whipped. The officer of the ship would write in the log a sailor was fucked. Flogged for his use of carnal knowledge of another.

I told my ship mate of sex with my last ho, and I was sentenced to be fucked and kheelwholed.

by john henry honest heart July 17, 2006

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fuck-fuck o'clock

Way too early in the morning.

Person A: What's up? Do you wanna go out tonight?
Person B: I would, but I have to get up at fuck-fuck o'clock tomorrow... ah whatever, I don't need to be awake at work.

by Taco Watson April 7, 2010

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Havin sex. When a man sticks his cock into a womans vagina causing orgasm.

"me, my girlfriend and my mom, got into bed last night and started fucking eachother".

by sex maniac !please come fuck me! May 3, 2008

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