That word your student always says in class when you just want them to do their work.
Oof is NAT expressing discomfort, as from sudden exertion or a blow to one's body. OKAY? It is something ROBLOXIANS say on ROBLOX okay... OKAY
*dies ON ROBLOX* "Oof" *cries in corner*
how horny 8 years olds tell each other they like each other
ex 1
8 yr old A: oofoof
8 yr old B: ooooooooooof
me: oof
my imaginary girl friend: OOOOF
roblox is a bad game lolololloo (mc is better)
"I'm gonna kill you hahahaha"
when you just don’t know what to say, or you’re just bored and spam your internet meme chat with “oof”
“I’m gay”
Expressing sadness or pain when you are to lazy to say a full sentence or more.
“Yeah man I’ve been really sad lately, my dog just died”