Putting the cereal in first is the wrong way to do it and if you do you should be banished from society and doomed to live in an eternal hell. Putting the milk in afterwards makes the cereal soggy and is generally frowned upon by people who have A BRAIN.
Random guy: Hey dude you look shook what happened
An intellectual: Oh nothing, I just saw some weirdo freak DEMON putting the cereal in first.
What one tells their wife they are doing when one is actually scoping out babes at Pumpkin Fest.
Hey, Jim where have you been for the last 3 hours.
Sorry, Mar, I’ve been putting out cones.
When you have sex with Dean Lonergan and his surprisingly large penis
Person A "Ah man, I was put out of commission"
Person b "oh, you had sex with Dean Lonergan as well?
The verbal threat to cause bodily harm, a severe beating, to kick the crap out of someone.
My Dad would always use this saying when the kids were misbehaving, fighting or just getting on his nerves. "Don't make me put the windmill in motion!" That was his way of saying if we didn't stop whatever it is we were doing then he was gonna beat our butts!
put you d — put you on
" let me put you d with this girl “
You're putting too much effort in. Stop being so extra.
Sally dresses up every day for school so Tom tells her, Sally you're putting ranch on it.
To become obligated to do something you don't want to do.
She told her mother I'd take her to church, she put me in the bag.