Source Code

Random glaze

If your name is david olufemi your a random glaze pussyclatt bitch

"I randomly shaved davids glazy bum because i random glazed him

by rhesa najjuma October 3, 2023

Random Dealer OG

The type of weed you get from that unknown drug dealer behind a gas station.

Damn I dont feel so good that Random Dealer OG really fucked my shit up.

by Garfeildfuck October 4, 2018

That random toast

When ever you say anything sus he will shout ayooo

Hes that random toast

by Idc.dx March 11, 2022

random sticker wall

When you put a bunch of random ass stickers that a 10 year old girl will like on you closet doors

That girl really like my random sticker wall

by Discord kitten January 22, 2023

Bag Randomization

A randomization system that selects each element one by one, not re-selecting an element until they've all been selected, wherein this process is restarted. Hence the name, it can be thought of as pulling each element out of a bag at random until the bag is empty, then refilling or replacing the bag with an identical one and repeating the process.

A randomization process named n-bag randomization has n elements (for example, 5-bag randomization has 5 elements, 8-bag has 8 elements, and 14-bag has 14 elements).

Tetris is a famous example of bag randomization. It provides each Tetrimino (piece) once every 7 times.

by The_Epicness9000 March 29, 2024

national fucc a random day

June 13th fucc any and everybody it dont matter if yk dem or nit

national fucc a random day you can fucc yo friend yo hb or hg or somebody on da street idm.

by slimeyluhdude.shau27 June 12, 2023

Random Acts of Violence

I saw and article about a woman who stabbed a 3 year old... To death! Just... In a grocery store... And I thought to myself... Who did you actually save Rabert Brion Harn? How many? And what (exactly) was I supposed to learn here?

Hym "I wonder... How many of these random acts of violence... Aren't actually random? Don't blame me... I learn it from watch HIM."

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024

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