Another name for Rush City. A shitty town in Minnesota thats about an hour north of the twin cities.
Dude she's so trashy
What do you expect she's from rush shitty
a person who fails at being a shagger aka getting laid
oi oi mate aint you a fookin shitty shagger mate, fuck off
The thing that you have when you’re not close to your house and you have to connect to the mall’s shit wifi
Damn, this Shitty Wifi just isn’t working :(
when youre listening to your ipod on shuffle and you keep skipping songs because nothing good is coming on
friend: hey what cha listening to right now?
me: ugh nothing im on a shitty shuffle
friend: man, that happens to me all the time.
Ripping the bong a perfect amount of times.
Yo bro, you want to get absolutely shitty on the rain faucet when we get home?
A father who moves to another country and leaves his children emotionally damaged and who can not see problems in themselfs. "Nothing wrong with me mate"
Fuck you shitty father
Sorry dude I'm dealing with shitty father problems
When someone is sucking ass too hard and sucks shit right out of the ass hole
Omg bro that was a nasty shitty straw