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Sleep farts

When a person holds their farts in all day and their butthole stays tight until it comes time for slumber. Once fast asleep the sphyincter loosens and gas is emitted at high rate of speed for a prolonged period of time

Hey babe when you had a sleep farts last night, your ass hair blew in the wind like a vidal sassoon commercial.

by Poppy2cocky July 18, 2018

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Sleeping Pattern

Something someone with a regular job that isn't streaming , YouTube or playing World of Warcraft has.

Person : Hey you! Yes you! Get to sleep, Your lack of a sleeping pattern is unhealthy!
WoW Player : *lazily slurs* Lemme fnsh ths dunjun *eats week old unidentifiable food off the floor*
WoW Player : *Finishes dungeon and ques up for 'one more'

by jamzyyyy August 28, 2018

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Sleep Drunk

When you're so tired you start making zero sense in conversation

A:So how was the movie?

Q:"Well excuuuuuuuuse me?!?!. I got zero termOq Ll anyway, I'll ft back later info say.".
A: What are you TALKING about? Are you sleep drunk already? It's only 12:30!
Q:itS, I dOnt evEn thiNk to do tHe stuFf !!
A:........just gotobed you pieceof shof

by Itsa Me Chui January 26, 2019

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Sleeping Cindy

It is when you are in a hotel room and have sex with your girlfriend while her mom sleeps in the bed right next to you.

Johnny is the only kid I know that has enough balls to pull the Sleeping Cindy.

by DeputyDean March 8, 2008

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Sleep fapnea

A medical condition whereas a human male doesn’t get enough air during sleeping so he involuntiarily begins to jack himself into the heavens

Helen found her husband on the edge of death, penis in hand, deep in the later stages of sleep fapnea.

by Johnny Luv1 May 19, 2018

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Sleep Juicer

Someone who likes to have sex in their sleep.

Jeff: dude, I heard Jessica is a sleep juicer!

Craig: dude no way, I've always wanted to fuck a sleeping chick.

Jessica: I want you to fuck me while I'm sleeping.

Tyler: ooh, a sleep juicer. My fetish!

by Samantha123lizzy September 25, 2016

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Sleep Coma

When you pass out for long periods of time from massive exhaustion or sedatives, and wake up feeling awesome.

I passed out right after work, I've been in a sleep coma for almost 15 hours.

by ReignKaos August 24, 2010

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