weird ass dude whos invisible and no one would even notice if they died the next day .;PLUS his jawline is non existent . and has so many pimples if y0u went to kiss him you would eat some of his pus. Also he lo0oks like shaggy from scooby doo with his non existent ass beard. ABSOLOUTELY HIDEOUS. But I must admit he has a nice ass but it kinda looks like he is wearing pampers
He looks like a wet dog!
Yeah such a smurf"
smurf- smurf means what ever you want it to. most of the time its said to bleep out a bad word like in the example
you're a smurf you son of a smurf! go to smurfville you smurfin smurfer!
-Random players not associated with your squad in a video game. Easily recognizable with a blue name tag above their head vs green for your squads.
- Tom: " Man who the fuck is shooting at me?!?!"
- Joe: "Its some fuckin dumbass team mate lightin you up"
- Tom: "fucking smurfs man!"
Gaming slang: a player that poses as a newbie or keeps a low profile to purposely play against lower skilled players and have a greater chance of winning. OR verb: use the above strategy.
Gamer: How. How the f*** did I just lose against that level 3 player?!
Friend: Ha get smurfed
When your pp is too small and she laughs and you become sad(blue).
James: Hey Honey!
*takes down pants*
Honey: How is it so little??
James: I'm sad :(
Honey: Don't be smurf
a small blue guy from a cartoon or something
wow hes blue and tiny hes obvesly a Smurf
Racist slur towards a Short Mexican.
See that fucking Smurf over there!?