The willful or unknowing act to continue on said course of stupidity even when proof of said stupidity was provided.
You know he's been dead for five minutes why do you continue with this adamant stupidity when the end result won't change.
An emphasis on the word stupid due to a person who is incredibly stupids nickname.”Buck” is a person who had no brain what so ever and the emphasis of that word on
Are you a buck stupid modda cunt?
Your so stupid that you pooped 12 seconds after you last big poo.
Joe is so Poopin' stupid that he pooped in the bushes 3 times in 5 minutes!
When you start with a random word or topic and you keep on adding more topics till you get to about 6-50(infinite) topics and when your done with the topics you go over every topic you were talking about.
Guy 1: bro, let’s start a stupid conversation
Guy 2: what’s a stupid conversation?
Guy 1: search it up on urban dictionary.
Guy 2: *searches up* yes let’s do that!
An incredibly old, incredibly evil old cunt who owns a massive media empire which he uses to manipulate and undermine democracy. A real facist piece of shit.
Fuck Stupid Slurdock. So waiting for that old cunt to die and go to meet his master. I hope he likes hot places.
Hey have you heard of the show Supernatural S.A. Town?
Yes I have. It sure is a stupid show.
A stupid Tucker is fuckin dumb and stupid
Dayum, that guys dumb and his name is Tucker, he must be a Stupid Tucker.