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iPad kid

Pretty much the worst thing to exist in gen z. Random kids that are having a tantrum then their parents offer them an ipad to watch cocomelon. In other words, little muggars

Kid: *throws tantrum
Parent:*gives kid ipad
Random bloke: IPAD KID

by likee.cherri from tiktok&insta August 5, 2021

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

alt kid

a toxic group of white savior's that wear e-girl and indie/kidcore style clothing. listen to shit overrated bands on TikTok, and are constantly arguing with 'the boyz'

age range: 8-19

Linda: some alt kid just got pissed at me for saying the f slur when talking to my friends...

Jim: that's stupid! You're literally a lesbian.

by dookiepoopie May 2, 2021

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

digger kid

Noun- A name for an elementary school kid that spends his recess time digging in the dirt. By middle school "diggers" either reform or become oddball social outcasts.

Mom: "Hey weren't you friends with him back in grade school?"
Kid: "Nah, He was one of those weird "digger kids."

by joesk84ever June 26, 2009

141๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

theatre kid

you know youre a theatre kid when:
-you practically live at the theatre
-your most common excuse is you have rehearsal
-you know to find your light and stay there
-just because he dances, doesn't mean he likes men
-you like to frolick around, sing show tunes, and get very touchy-feely with others
-guys helping girls get dressed/undressed and vice versa isn't wierd
-your second nature is to hug everyone and cry without worrying what others think
-breaking legs is all in a days work
-one word: caffine
-getting home at midnight on a weeknight is normal
-sleep? who needs sleep?
-you carry around a tooth brush, sewing kit, and deoderant. just incase
-an 8 hour rehearsal i heaven
-...or hell
-you see your cast mates more than your family
-your cast mates become your family!
-no matter how tempting, you don't touch other people's props
-you don't get upstage and downstage confused
-you know where every fast food restaurant, dunkin donuts, and starbucks is within 10 minutes away
-you think singing is a sport because it works out your abs
-you don't get in the way of the running crew because you know you will be sorry
-you KNOW not to provoke your stage manager and director durring hell week
-techies rule the world
-you have felt up someone of the same gender but aren't gay
-eating in costume? are you crazy??
-you have "crazy" warm ups
-you have a preshow ritual. and it changes each show
-you know the correct spelling is "theatRE"

theatre kids pretty much rule the world <3

by vibratoxoxo October 10, 2010

399๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indie Kid

Stop being ignorant. There is no DEFINITION of an indie kid. There are no specific guidelines, requirements, or strict definitive characteristics. Indie is a culture, a state of mind, and a never-ending quest for good music.
Indie is an appreciation of beauty, which is defined by one's own standards. The indie kid's concept of beauty usually does not involve mainstream music because popular music is often superficial, employing very basic chords and melodies, and the lyrics are rarely deep or symbolic. Indie people sense this lack of artistic depth in popular culture, thus seeking depth in alternate, more creative styles of clothing and music.
Although this observation does not apply to all indie kids, there seems to be a slight trend in the intellectual capacity of those involved in Indie culture. Many indie kids enjoy critical and analytical thinking, abstract ideas, and learning new things, often discussing "nerdy" topics among themselves. This is probably because intellect, creative ability and depth are seemingly linked, likely due to how one's brain has developed based on genetics and exposure to society, and which areas of the brain are innately most active.

Only "indie kid" stereotype: indie kids hang with other indie kids.

by Eliza Janus January 10, 2009

256๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo kid

A social classification that has been bastardized by scenesters, rich preps, and wannabe goths united. A true emo kid does not label him/herself as being "emo"...often this label is foisted on him or her against the alleged emo kid's will. True emo kids listen to whatever the hell music they feel like, and it is often poetic or expressive. Emo is not a clothing style, cutting your wrists, or being a frequent buyer at Hot Topic. Those who call themselves "emo" are most likely just trying to be "scene" and have really screwed up the genre through wearing generic, borderline gothic clothing that all their sad little friends wear.

FAKE EMO KID tries to be emo because it is "scene" at the moment. Is often rich and frequents expensive stores like Hot Topic to cultivate a flawless emo image. May go so far as to draw fake scars in strategic locations so as to look depressed and suicidal. Claims to listen to indie bands that no one else has heard...and neither has the fake emo kid.

TRUE EMO KID was most likely emo before this was a stupid fad. May shop at hot topic, but only if they actually like the clothing, not because they think it will make them look cool. Probably classified by friends and others as "emo"...the label is often not self-professed in the case of the true emo kid. Doesn't give a shit whether music is mainstream or not...it just has to be artistic.

by An Unnoticed Musician July 26, 2005

1766๐Ÿ‘ 715๐Ÿ‘Ž

AOL Kids

Internet surfers who act lame, foolish, or just childish. They are also known to spam, flame, misspell words in ways you never knew words could be misspelled, write in extreme shorthand or l33tspeak, accuse other users of hacking without cause, TeamKill (in onnline games) and other online idiocies. The person being refered to as an AOL Kid may or may not actually use AOL, and may or may not be a minor. Also used as a noun as a place for such people to go.

Go back to AOL Kids you idiot.

by AlexMax April 8, 2003

85๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž