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tap binanca

superb, super, cowabunga, great, cool, awesome, tubular, extravagant basically anything that you enjoy or witness in your everyday life that's what sums it all up.

Man those Air Jordan VI suede black with the laser reds are tap binanca

by @FeverMcFLY June 6, 2010

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tap map

The proverbial map of your sexual prowess. The home states or countries of all the girls you lay. Cummand and conquer!

Bro 1: I fucked Rachel last night.

Bro 2: The girl from Fort Worth? Add Texas to your tap map!

by GotARoyalFlush January 17, 2012

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so tap

Indescribably awesome, cool or amazing, in a dirty, filthy way.

"This joint is so tap," exclaimed Sarah as soon as she walked into the dive bar and got a look around.

by Diego Johnny June 7, 2019

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Tap day

On April 17th taken or not you can tap a girl's ass.

Me. Did you hear it's tap day
Person. No

by Fyhcthnn April 16, 2018

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sailor tap

someone pinning you down and rapping repeatedly on your sternum using their knuckles.

history of the term:
When somebody receives a Warfare designator in the Navy they get a little medal warfare device (decoration) pinned to their uniform at the collar bone level. Its a hush hush Navy tradition for people to slap or punch the new pin on the person's chest throughout the day and say congratulations. The little medal spikes that attach the pin to the uniform are driven into the receiving parties collar bone. In today's Navy they call it "tacking on" the pin. The older term that moved to the the civilian world is "Sailor Tap".

,I'd get intercepted and if nobody else was around, pinned to the ground and given sailor taps while being laughed at.

by bluebill211 March 3, 2017

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Sack Tap

To hit someone in the ball sack

Hes kid are going to be fucked after that sack tap

by Jacko_the_skits February 18, 2020

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Tuna Tap

It is the female version of a tea bag. Instead of placing one's scrotum on another person's forehead, they instead place their vagina on their forehead.

Oh my God, that dude got so drunk last night he passed out, so my girlfriend tuna tapped him and we put the pictures on Facebook!

by Bauer-Power February 9, 2012

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