A backseat banger is someone who was invited to a threesome but doesnt do anything but sit in a corner to tell the other guy what to do, similar to a backseat driver.
Girl: should we invite Jeff to our house for a threesome?
Guy: no, I've heard that he is such a "backseat banger" ong
songs that are actual tunes and go hard and are bangers
hey i would love to listen to some club bangers rn
*puts on old town road*
A small sub-compact pistol, easily concealable in any clothing.
Although not usually carried when going out clubbing, club banger describes the sort of pistol you could carry to a club, just in case something happens.
You want a smaller gun? You're gonna want this one. It's a nice club banger this. You won't go wrong with it; shoots straight every time.
He went out wearing a pair of golden shoes and a club banger in his belt.
One cool ass nigga who gets all the hoes. If you got a friend like this, you best ask him to teach you you dumbass!
Yo, who dat cool ass nigga over there?
Who him? I don’t know, but I can tell he’s a gang banger.
You see how may hoes behind him?! Ain’t no way he ain’t a gang banger.
A tall object that is easy and noticeable on a freeway
Bob drove on Interstate 210 and he saw a tall booming banger, it was a beer factory sign
A big windmill or sign (a tall object) that is very noticeable while driving on a freeway
Bob was driving on Interstate 210 and he saw the sign of a Miller beer factory, he noticed it and laughed, he saw a Booming Banger