Source Code

Mansfield Town

Small,scaby and home to bitter sad t**ts.

Stag Mad

by Jon January 28, 2004

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Town Square

A channel on battle.net where n00bs and idiots attempt to entertain eachother with mindless ranting that they attempt to call Role Playing

n00b1: I r going to killz0r j00
n00b2: nu I r having mah laz0r beamz killzor j00 fst
Guy with brain: some one please just kill me now

by RecoN-DocTomoe November 6, 2003

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Town of Salem

A popular indie game that started out well and then morphed into the rest of the internet by being flooded with trolls and cancerous edgy teens trying to get a laugh from horrible sex jokes.

Town of Salem was a fun game now its a great game that supplies me with my daily dosage of salt and cancer

by Billy The Transgender Trans February 15, 2017

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ghost town

A term referring to a town that is literally uninhabited, hence its name.

"Silent Hill is a true ghost town."

"There were a lot of ghost towns during the era of the Wild West thanks to roughneck criminals comin' in and a'shootin' the place up."

by Dave September 28, 2004

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Detroit mutha fuckin michigan.

murder city....hardest city out, period.

fuck all you punk ass bums thinkin its dallas or denver or any of that other bullshit. yall mutha fuckas need to go fuck a bull or somethin with ya hick ass!!!

shit we even got a d town 313 detroit nike air force 1 that came out yearsssssss ago. google that shit fuck boy!

kill yaself you fuckin bums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo man them D-Town town niggas aint nothin to fuck around with youll get bodied up real quick we cath ya ass slippin!

D-Town boys dont play theyre quick to body up a dallas bum

by FUCK DALLAS March 27, 2008

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mo town

Modesto, ca 209 where gangstas at, we like the yay, we play no games.. i'm from San Ho, but somewhat raced here so i gotta give it some luv u know

where u from?

modesto, turlock0, Merced,Tracy,Stockton, etc.

by Big Booty Ho October 1, 2004

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Funky Town

1. a 1980 number one hit for the R&B/funk/post-discogroup Lipps,Inc. (pronounced "lip synch" - yes, that's how U say it). They were basically a one hit wonder.

2. a Top 10 hit in 1987 for the Australian New Wave group Pseudo Echo. It has a harder-edged sound than the original seven years before. A genuine butt kicker. Pseudo Echo also scored a hit with their own "Living in a Dream" earlier in 1987.

3. because of their playing the Pseudo Echo hit, San Francisco radio stations gave the nickname "Funky Town" to their city itself.

1. ... won't you take me to
Funky Town!

2. "Funky Town" was riding high on the charts in the summer of 1987.

Carl: Let's go to Funky Town and see the Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown! Then we can eat some Peking duck at the Golden Dragon restaurant.

Phil: Alright!

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 8, 2007

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