Source Code

Boner Check

When something possibly sexual happens in a game of Dungeons & Dragons and the Dungeon Master wants to see if a character will pop a boner, or, if female, simply become aroused

"I want to flirt with the elf."
"She slaps you, roll a boner check."
"I rolled a 10."
"20, You get a boner."

by DMTice40 July 13, 2015

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Clout Check

When you get called out - or call out someone for - thirsty af clout chasing behavior.

I clout checked him for shouting himself out in his own Instagram story.

by Clout Check Podcast July 11, 2020

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Morality check

When you already have a significant other, are flirting with someone else and they refer to your mate.

girl: I'd like to take a peek at you naked.

boy: Wow I think you cute too, your husband must be a lucky guy.

girl: Gee thanks for the morality check.

by Mir_rose March 5, 2008

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oil check

An act whereby an individual inserts his finger or penis into the asshole of another. Much like an oil check on a car, the appendage can then be examined to determine whether or not the contents are clean or dirty.

I saw Sam with his back turned to me so I gave him an oil check.

by Publius44 April 12, 2011

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hoe check

a way to let somebody know u got them. a way for friends to let friends know who's boss. a friendly prank.


<Miles walks in a room>
Lennette: Yo Miles!
Miles: Wassup?
Lennette: Just hoe checkin'.
<Lennette Wins>


by LilMzKnowItAll August 29, 2011

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peepeepoopoo check

some stupid tiktok trend that i first tought was about pewdiepie's peepeepoopoo pig pet

ticktocker: peepeepoopoo check
me: what the fuck is peepepoopoo check

by GamerSheep6000 February 22, 2021

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fade check

When you smack the back of someone's head after they have received a fresh fade.

Jerry: Damn David "FADE CHECK" *SMACKKKK

David: bro wtf I got this fade three days ago

by YOSHITOKOTUKOSHITA January 23, 2018

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