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lemon frosty

When you are in sexual intercourse with your partner and you jizz all over their face and then you let your bladder go and piss all over their face! It is optional if you are using some whipcream in the process to rub it on their face to add a little flavor so you can enjoy this treat even more when you eat it with a spoon to enjoy this kinky and delicious treat.

Edward: Oh my god, last night me and Tom had such a good time, While he was giving me my hot blow job, he couldn't hold his jizz much longer so he did it all over my face and then some reason he pissed on my face. I had whipped cream on my penis because I couldn't afford lube so I added it to the thing, it was the best lemon frosty I ever had. It was even better because I ate it with my favorite big bird spoon that I got from my Capn' Crunch cereal in which burned the roof of my mouth, the lemon frosty fixed the burn though, its amazing!
Ron: Dang!! Next time you really need to invite me it sounds so delicious and kinky.

by Mcpooopypeeface April 3, 2008

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Life is a lemon

1. Defines with frustration the fact that life is sometimes unfair (a lemon is also a fuck).

2. A clever blog about a lemonade life by a funny italian guy

"Oh god he just robbed me, life is a lemon."

by Artemides May 31, 2009

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squeezing the lemon

After urination where a man squeezes the remaining urine from the urethra.

"I'll be right out, I'm just squeezing the lemon!"

by bassfische April 7, 2017

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Sherbet Lemon

The act of going to the toilet to rack up a line of coke on the back of the bog, and accidentally getting it mixed up with someone's piss, and then snorting it anyway.

"Mate, what the fuck?"

"Sherbet Lemon. I'm not wasting this shit! "

by Furbswithamassivecock December 15, 2012

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lemon cookie

jiz soaked cookie

ur mom likes my lemon cookie

by Tony Hampton November 25, 2003

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lemon zest

Any sex act using substituting hummus as lubricant

"He was pretty tight so I gave him the ol' Lemon Zest"

by Lemmondaddy June 21, 2015

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lemon sherbert

Can only be done when there is snow on the ground. The male ejackulates and urnitates into a condom. Snow is put into the condom after, and the partner scoops it out with a spoon and its the mixture, which resembles lemon sherbert.

Neill: Hey Nina, would you like a Lemon Sherbert?

Nina : Yay its snowing! I would love one!

by Coolawesomeness August 21, 2006

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