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King Orange

The absolute best meme page to ever exist on instagram. The king and his troops just conquered Uranus after passing the 100,000 follower threshold. fun fact- the name king orange came from a title given to the owner after bringing an orange to school every day, thus being crowned the king fo the oranges.

Written by the 12th follower

follow _kingorange on instagram to become a troop of the King Orange

by thekingsloyaltrooop December 23, 2020

Orange Creamsicle

The skintone of Donald Trump

You don't wanna hang out with that Orange Creamsicle

by Peppermint Pudding October 28, 2020

Orange Creamsicle

When you cum in a girl on her UTI medicine and a light orange cumsicle out then she eats it.

“Ew is your pee orange?”
“Yeah it’s from my UTI meds
“Wanna make an orange creamsicle?”

by dominantdaddy February 16, 2021

clockwork orange

1.Original a from slang (from a part of London) that means a homosexual.
2.A novel by Anthony Brugess. The novel was based somewhat on his life, such as one of the rape scenes. The novel was about totalirism and the good and evil of humans.
3.An amazing movie based on Anthony Burgess' Novel. The director banned the film himself due to it's 'ultra violent' nature.

1.Oi! I think man at the bar is a clockwork orange.
2."What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?" (part2, 76)
3.Dude, A Clockwork Orange is such a sick movie; you have to rent it this weekend!

by K.C. Ay. February 12, 2006

40👍 61👎

orange counties

a slang term for the drug oxycontin.

Hey whats up with them Orange counties?

by magicmark March 28, 2007

11👍 13👎

Orange panties

It is when you take the panties of someone, any color will do but orange works best, and then you Defecate in them and place them back into their dresser without them knowing.

"dude did you hear, Tommy gave Hilda Orange panties because she wouldn't go out with him"

by Hay-Hay-Poo~ December 27, 2011

7👍 7👎

orange juice

The juice from a ginger. What a redhead spews when he cums.

*cum ejaculate liquid gold

Sue: you know that ginger Stan?
Barbara: yea, what about him?
Sue: I was bored so I gave him one helluva bj and was surprised with a mouthful of Orange juice. It was as tasty as could be!

by Kel-Kan December 29, 2016

7👍 7👎