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Show Turd

A poop you can be proud of. One deserving of a prize. Often shown to friends so they may praise it and judge it against their own.

Kevin: Come here and see this show turd i just laid in your toilet. How does it compare?

Steve: I'd give it an 8. Its hard to beat Tom's from last week. His show turd was a perfect 10.

by Lilphe June 23, 2010

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show homie

The first person to define it

I will be the first person to get show homie me on Urban Dictionary.

by Cinnamoncrabb July 3, 2018

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Pizza Show

The event in which a hot girl orders a pizza and shows up at the door naked, thus giving a pizza show, and making for a very happy delivery guy.

Joe was bragging at work today about his pizza show he got on a delivery last night.

by bigmiketastic88 August 16, 2011

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show bird

1.Another word for thot or whore
2. Love attetion from the opposite sex
3. could be male or female

me: that bitch over there is such a fuckin show bird
friend: i know right

by show bird October 27, 2015

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urp shoh noun: The nickname of someone who's behavior is to the liking of Wyatt Earp when they become intoxicated.

Earp-show just got into town, make sure to lock up your daughters.

by chilllaxin October 16, 2011

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the pinklatex show

Crude, rude, Massachusetts based internet radio show on a network called Blog Talk Radio with really gutter mouthed female hosts. They do youtube skits and prank phonecalls, but mainly just make fun of themselves. The funniest thing I have ever encountered in my lifetime!!!

The Pinklatex Show Topic: Dude, Rusty has the fawkin' Stigmata, WTF, she is afflicted with a different ailment every day.

The Pinklatex Show Topic: We perused Craigslist for the scariest motherfuckers we could find and we are doing a variety dating show to find them girlfriends.

The Pinklatex Show Topic: They enjoy Bunghole Liquors, yes, its a real place.

by scarywoodwitch March 20, 2009

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Show Stopper

When a man is about to bust his nut but he pulls out and covers his dick hole with his thumb to plug the flow

Sam pulled the "show stopper" on Kim to keep from impregnation.

by StiffPeter1015 October 17, 2022

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