The moment when you pee, poop, and cum at the same time.
Dude I just took a Tommy Lawhon and I feel much better.
When you get skewered from all angles by the bois.
"Terrific tommy wommy kebab last night bois!"
When you say something outrageously sus
Person 1: bro your balls could fit in my mouth
Person 2: yooo nah you on that Tommy timing
A really gay boy that thinks he's god, he's really sexy too though.
Usually quiet but also entertaining, hangs out in a group of nerds. Tommy Cotton's are usually bi and many people think that they are not as good as they are
Boy: god is that Tommy Cottom?
Boy 2: obviously not, he's not hot, everything else matches up though
Boy: oh yeah, shame he's so narcissistic
The most amazing man you will ever meet. A guy who deserves everything good in life.
Tommy jack Anderson is amazing
A very talented individual. Member of gamma clan and is attractive, big Sarah bell fan himself!
Damn tommy plunkett just walked down the street. I CREAMED!!!
A fake stoner who can make a gram last a month but can chain smoke cigarettes
That dude over their is acting like a tommy thompson