Skinny P is someone who eats the skin of a potato. The symptoms of eating the skin of a potato are autism, Down syndrome, diabetes, diarrhea, AIDS, and smelling terrible.
Did you know that James is a Skinny P. I hear that Skinny P’s have tiny wieners.
A person who always smokes your pot with you but never shares their pot.
Don't invite that skinny dog Doug, he never shares his stash.
a type of disorder that affects the bones: you die shortly after you turn into bones.
I cant win survivor because, I have skinny disorder.
A turd that is extremely small in diameter (maybe 2-5 cm at most).
Usually happens after eating food with lots of fiber
Savannah took a skinny shit in Derek's mouth after eating three 10-piece nuggets and a large fry at McDonald's the night prior.
a clean alternative for what the f*ck or what the hell which can be used in any situation to show any kind of emotion. primarily used while skateboarding when you see somebody do something out of the ordinary
Woah dude that guy just did the weirdest looking air! what the skinny!
A small guy who has a pencil thin dick. But a fat, beautiful body that will make any man or woman cum. But they think if your a gay, stinky, disabled, woman or Muslim then you should be given to isis