$10,000 in a stack of money
10 racks = a stack
A few rubber bands of racks makes a stack
$10,000 in a stack of money
10 racks = a stack
A few rubber band racks makes a stack
Really cool. Something you would want or want to be.
That shorty is stack to the max
1. 1 000 dollars (1K dollars)
2. Minecraft slang, means 64. (You can store up to 64 items in a single stack.)
3. A few items that are standing on each other.
1. I wish i could get some stacks!
2. 48 + 16 equals one stack.
3. A stack of wood!
In gaming- used to describe multiple, consecutive attacks. One has stacked the attacks. Or to denote that one has piled the opponents in a stack.
R: Did you stack that guy?
S: Yeah. I hit him 10 times in a row. Totally obligerated him.
A person who has a tendency to try a hustle for money. A person who considers themselves as a pharmacist on the streets. One who has sex with multiple partners mostly hookers due yo the fact the they have #Stacks
What do you call a man with pearls? Stacks!!