A phenomenon where fictional characters remain at a fixed age, typically as children or teenagers, while the audience grows older. This creates an uncomfortable or awkward feeling, especially when having a crush on these characters, as their perpetual youth makes it strange to continue those feelings.
“ her childhood crushes all had a Peter Pan Complex, remaining eternally young while she grew older.”
When someone who comes from a small country becomes extremely defensive about being called a villager for their "backwards thinking".
You're mad that I suggested you neuter your cat? You won't do it because you think it will take away his manhood? You must have a villager complex.
The mendozur complex, the act of growing to hate everything over time until nothing interests you.
She is crazy, I heard she suffers from the mendozur complex.
when you are more excited to share personal information or achievements than to actually enjoy them yourself privately. very egotistical and common in only children. usually an attempt to seek validation and attention that was never offered during childhood.
“Babes. Luca is giving me the Gucci shirt. I stay winning.”
“Omg Aidan. You have a total keratin complex.”
-A man who thinks he has comparable physical and/ or social attributes to musician and socio-political justice voice ‘Hozier’ (specifically in a way that is appealing to women) but is actually deeply problematic and needs to touch grass
-When a mediocre tall white man with long hair thinks he’s the world’s greatest feminist, musician, and empath. (He is just egotistically unstable, generally unformulated as an individual, took acid once, and heard a Hozier album.)
He played me “Work Song” on the guitar and then whined about paying for a Plan B- its his Hozier complex
When you respect someone's opinion and knowledge so much that when you disappoint them it feels like your heart just got crushed up like a little paper bag and thrown in the trash.
Man, I couldn't remember the proper joint play for extension at the knee, I've got mad Candice complex right now.
When an ex boyfriend won't stop reaching out to his former girlfriend and with all odds against him, goes to any length to reignite a romantic flame that lost its spark years before. The ex, much like the terminator, will somehow find ways to return and will reinvent his intentions leading people to believe he is an ally. But really he's a middle aged bum that dreams he will one day restore a broken relationship. While he plots and plans, I give Sarah Conor (his ex) the wood she never had and lay Judgement Day on her p***y.
Terminator Complex- The ex boyfriend that still thinks he's got a chance years later. So he seeks former love interest and with no chance, tries to rekindle the flame that will never light again.