Something you use to have safe sex but won’t make sex fun
I used s condom during sec and it felt really boring
What broke when u parents had u
Ur mum : oh shit
ur dad : what
ur mum : the condom broke
ur dad: well fuck me deAd wtf am i gon do now
A nice clear balloon. Blows up very big, and you can use it as a good football. At least that's what we did when we found them at school.
*Teacher sees us using a blown-up condom as a football*
*Facepalms after realizing it was his*
Condom is the name of conan gray's fandom. It is a mix of the word fandom and Conan. Fandom + Conan = Condom. Conans fans would be called condoms.
Me: Hey! have you listened to overdrive? it's so good!
Condom: YES! I know right!
Me: Are you one of Conan's condoms as well?
Condom: Yes! of course, I am!
A rubber tool that goes over your ding dong to have no kids like yoursarlf
Dammm jimmy you should have put on a condom
Items thy shouldn’t be used on underage boys and girls
Don’t use a condom on them minors