It's a co-worker that is also your bro.
Use in a sentence.
Hey, me and the co-bro are going to work from the coffee shop this afternoon.
A co-pot is when everyone grows from shared seeds and enjoys shared buds. Together preferably. Like a co-op but for pot.
Mining dirt looking for clay, Getting dirt thrown in your eyes, No payment.
Welcome to the clay wars.
Clock co. is better than Clay co.
Spouse's stepsibling's husband.
the act of raping a person with the unintentional help of the victim or a rape aided by another rapist.
John and Sam roamed the park looking for a victim to co-operape.
Her lack of panties facilitated her co-operape.
The feeling of not caring about how hard COS modules are because you've already made it passed data structures and future COS module can faze you atp
I passed COS 212 I have reached COS-numbness
The child-in-law of one's parent-in-law's sibling.
My co-cousin-in-law is a good person.