To perform an action in slow, careful, gentle, or tenderly way.
"She stroked my cock nice and easy"
A Jamaican Term For Calm Down Relax Take it Easy
Yo Just Easy
HeyCalm Down
A phrase used by a math god
It describes how easy something could be.
*finishes math equation*
God: Easy cake!
Telling someone to tread lightly, your pushin it, or to calm down
questioning thier intelligence while calling them a fag
A Rebuttal.
Hey you remember your first blow job,
Hell yeah!
Want did it taste like..
"Easy Pepper!!!"
Someone who is cool, calm and collected. They move at their own pace and is never seen looking dirty but they always look clean. They often speak in a cool way and have the coolest walk you will ever see.
"Thato always looks so cool"
" Yeah he is mad easy"
(adj) easily pranked without any effort from the prankster; doesn't understand jokes, naive; can be tricked into doing something without even realizing it, gullible.
Wyatt, you are so easy, that joke went completely over your head.
Easy means to laugh at something dumb or weird
She was acting so weird so I said to her easy
She said Obama was the president of her world, easy