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French Toast

the origin of the term french toast comes from world war 1. The story goes like this: A french soldier was looting a house near the trenches. he found some eggs and several slices of bread, which he put in his pocket. As he was walking back to his post, a German patrol ambushed him. during the fracas, the soldier fell on his pocket, breaking the eggs on the bread, and then was promptly roasted by a flamethrower. A British patrol found his body, complete with "french toast" in his pocket. The name has stuck ever since.

Hey, did you see that French guy who attempted to light himself on fire in protest?

Yeah, he turned into real french toast.

by OrignalWolf January 26, 2011

15πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

french kissing

sticking your tounge in your partners mouth and moving it around

whlie me and tyrel wher makin out we decided to frenchkiss

by Anonymous November 10, 2003

293πŸ‘ 418πŸ‘Ž

French wash

When you don't have time to wash you spray on perfume

I French washed before the party

by regmiran April 28, 2013

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

french army

"sucks" The only war the french ever won was the french revolution but damn they would have to win that war.

Germay: "We beat France in the war"
America: "Who didnt"
Evey country that beat france: "hahahahahahaah"

by branio bran January 27, 2004

137πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž

French Hairpiece

When French people shit on each other's heads. A festive "French Hairpiece" cake is usually served afterwards. The cake also consists of mainly fecal matter and hair.

"My father was born in Paris, so every February 28 we have cake and he gives my mom a diamond studded "French Hairpiece"."

by Dirty Dru February 17, 2009

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

French Kiss

When you stick your tongue down someone’s throat during a make out session

I gave Brandon a French Kiss. I had to do CPR on him later.

by Ultimatesuperpopsinger January 6, 2020

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

french laundry

When you spray cologne or air freshener to the butt and crotch region of a pair of pants or shorts, in order to get rid of any foul smells and still be able to wear them.

Jim was in a hurry, so he applied some French Laundry to his shorts in order to wear them.

by Yakubu August 21, 2012

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