A vile, odiferous condition of the male scrotum. The ball sack, from a combination of sweat, heat and general uncleanliness take on a rank, gamey smell. Often ripe and cheesy.
Holy shite beaaaahhh. I just gave my sack a scratch. Now my fingers smell like game balls.
This is when a guy is saying he is going to watch porn on the internet.
I went to the cubs game last night.
A security challenge for hackers to train and educate themselves. Usually it is exploiting or defending a vulnerability in a system or application, or gaining or preventing access to a computer system...
"Look bro, you need to pat $50 to get into this war game, but if you manage to crack that db before everyone, $1000 will be yours..."
Japanese Game Developing Studio by Satoshi Tajiri that started out as a Gaming Magazin.
Game Freak is the Studio responible for the Main Games of the Pokemon Franchise
con game (slang) - confidence game
- a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy a worthless property;
- a swindle in which the swindler, after gaining tha victim's confidence, robs the victim by cheating at a gambling game appropriating funds entrusted for investment, or the like. Also called i British English "con'fidence trick";
- any elaborate swindling operation in which advantage is taken of the confidence the victim reposes in the swindler. Some countries have created a statutory offence of this name, though the elements of the crime have never been clearly defined by legislation and the scope of proscribed behaviour remains subject to varying interpretations among jurisdictions.
Unlike most kinds of petty crimes, a con game, or confidence game, takes an enormous amount of skill and forethought to pull off. When done right, in many cases the grifters who perpetrate them have not actually done anything overtly illegal–they’ve simply used lies and manipulation to get their victim, or “mark,” to willingly hand over their own money.
wanting more action
needing money you get from the streets
Yo, kid was hungry for the game.
Person that literally brings you to jail for losing at monopoly.
We were forced to call the game warden after Toni refused to go to jail after being clearly directed by a chance card to not pass go nor collect 200$ and go directly to jail. There was a standoff and things did not end well.