October 14th was the day that the yonkou kawesi "kaidou" holland was born; his yawn had enough power to blow entire forests away,his footsteps shook and tore the foundations of the earth,one time he was caught in a black hole and he absorbed it,one time he drank the whole of Neptune and left it as dry as Nigerian water pumps because he was thirsty.
In other words
"Bro it's October 14th that means it's international kawesi day"
On april 28th if someone says to you give me your ps4password please you have to give them your ps4 password
Josh: Hey Ethan give me your ps4 password please.
Ethan: Why should i?
Josh: Bro its international give me your password for ps4 day.
Ethan: Oh shit yeah. Here *gives password for ps4*
Josh: Thanks now im gonna play some Call of duty black ops 3 dlc 5
Gateway International is a roadmap to your abroad dreams. One can call it a sim-sim wish opening gate or Ginni which fulfills the wish of students wishing to study abroad.
Gateway International guides students from application to VISA in such a proper way that Universities and Competitors are in shock!!
“Who will pick up the phone and call, when there is a Gateway International(helping hand) to your dream life.”
Another name for breast implants. Especially applied to bolt-ons due to their kevlar-like hardness, as if the woman has a bulletproof vest permanently attached.
"Rob, look at this girl...are they natural?"
"Nahhh. She's got internal body armor, for sure."
International play roblox with ur sister day is on february 24 and you’re supposed to play eachothers favorite games together
Did u hear international play roblox with ur sister day is on february 24th? I’m so excited to play roblox with my sister
A cultural holiday celebrated amongst communities where one gifts a person hygienic products in return of a fingering to the belly button, commonly celebrated on February 14th.
“Hey happy international binglesnorf !”
“Thanks! *fingers bellybutton.”
The day that the number or rick rolls hit 1,000,000.
today is international rick roll day *never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down”