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Lewis is a guy with a massive horse slong

He is very handsome and sexy

He also fucks frogs on a daily basis

Lewis is a legend

by Gary tard October 5, 2020


A stupid crazy bitch who likes f1 and lego and hates Lewis hamrlton

Hey why don’t we punch Lewis in the face

by Oucjelesbbege November 10, 2020


A short little man.
May be attracted to children, however if he is not the he definitely likes old saggy people.
However this only goes for a heterosexual lewis
If they're gay then. They're gay

Who's that with your grandma? Isn't she like 89!?
Oh that's just Lewis, he likes old people

by Some. Guy. Called. November 21, 2021


typa guy to eat poo out the toilet bowl, doesn't really care about the social consequences. He goes straight at it.

Teri: Have you seen lewis as of recent
Thomas: check the toilet cuz he's probably eating poo

by Drakegotnothingonme July 7, 2024


A big headed tramp who likes to slip inside his cosins fanny, thinks he’s sick at battlefront but he actually dead trash and looks like a perverted chihuahua and likes to suck other men off

Lewis: DONT I look like anakin Skywalker not the looks just the jawline

Friend: no you hairy creep

by Hduehd March 14, 2020


He sucks on swords and is a light saber welder and is a Thot slayer.

Lewis is a Thot slayer

by Ramenpiggo June 30, 2019


Drinks Stellas on the park bench, causing aggro and upsetting the elderly.

Lewis is a right mug

by LarveyHong June 28, 2021