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lily leapers

a racist term to frogs according to smii7y

you dam lily leapers!!! -smii7y

by citruxpunch August 3, 2022

lily rohse

Lily Rohse is the most beautiful girl you will come across. She tends to fall in love easily and when is in love she stays with that person. Lily can be known to flirt with everyone but enjoys the people being around her. Lily's tend to be brunett. Lily is a very energetic person and always wants to have a laugh. However when lily is either angry or Marcy people will notice as her actions become noticably different. Lily's tend to get hurt easily and remember a lot. Once you have found a lily never let her go as she is always willing to put others first. Lily likes to meet new people and make new friends.

Lily Rohse wow she's hot!

by Xx.oliver February 18, 2018


they’re the same thing really.

dude:”look it’s lili

dude 2:”oh the clown?”

dude three:”she’s a lili/clown

by hahahayouthot77 April 1, 2020

A lily Mckenna

A lily Mckenna is a beautiful and amazing person with and amazing sense of humour. Whenever their around someone it’s like a small bubble of happiness. There an amazing artist and actor with a amazing wonder to the sea. There favourite animal is probably and shark our a turtle. Beautiful, intelligent, strong and pure of heart, she lights up the room when she smiles. If you don’t have a lily Mckenna then your missing out :)She is wierd and crazy but in an amazing way ! She also always doubts herself but ends up doing it amazing in the end. She talented and amazing whit makeup and spfx. GO GET YOUR SELF A LILY MCKENNA !!!! :)

Basic boy: who is that amazing girl ?
Basic girl: uhh !! A lily Mckenna of course !! I wish I had one of her

by &@ April 7, 2020

Lily Rae

Lily Rae is a great friend that ALWAYS meets her friends. She helped me get through a traumatic event in my life when my ear was violently nanked by a person with more then 100 tattoos. Her advise was “stop being a bitch. BITCH.

Lily Rae is a great friend

by Shuuuuuuusshhhhh November 23, 2021

pulling a lily

Pulling a lily is when somebody has way to much energy, even very early in the morning. They will be very loud, and offer you coffee to wake you up.

Person: This girl I woke me up this morning at 5 am.

Person 2: oh, she pulled a lily then?

Definition: being very energetic and loud. (Pulling a lily)

by Flerptastic November 8, 2019

Lily G

Lily is a princess and deserves the world. She is cute, loving and caring. She is perfect. She will treat you like a king and love you with all her heart. She is silly and funny but also serious. I love Lily

Lily G is a princess and deserves the world

by Sal11111111111 February 17, 2023