A person who uses the a microwave in small increments, in an attempt to save time and achive the perfect temperature. It never works.
Sally: "Ugh! This hot pocket is still too cold, and my meeting is in 10 minutes!"
Frank: "Maybe you should stop being a mini-waver and just do what the box says."
A Mini Pattison is someone who jerks off to Robert Pattison, Robert is a great actor but he will suck as BatMan btw if BatMan was a real man and not a Fictional Movies & Comic Book Character he'd choose Bale or Keaton over Robert Pattinson and Wonder Woman over Catwoman, Superman and Aquaman over Robins, Alfred over Red Hood and definately have Red Hair and not Black Hair plus choose Snyder Fans over Pattison Fans
Logan Farris is a Mini Pattison, TASM Tard and Mcutard who is willing to stop at nothing and said he'll sacrifice his own family for Matt Reeves and Marc Webb and thinks 300, Watchmen, Dawn Of The Dead and Man Of Steel are bad without even watching them and thinks he's a good noteworthy godlike Movie Critic and btw Movie Critic aren't that much valued thanks to Rotten Tomatoes who take Bribes and write Wrong Reviews
Utkarsh Singh used to be a Mini Pattison but Indian Mini Pattison Fans are rising and may kill people for liking Ben or Bale or Keaton or George or Val Kilmer or anybody else
Kellum Bruce Dietz and Aaron Martinez represent the Worst of American fans btw American Superhero Fans online are mature but Aaron and Kellum are exception Kellum is willing to kill his own friends for Matt Reeves who would never even know him and Aaron lost countless Debates to Tribhuvan and cries hard and considers Robert Pattison as the Supreme God and brings to shame to Irish Americans the toughest People in America
Chocolate Mini Eggs, But Smaller
"Are They Mini Eggs,"
"No Look They Are Smaller"
" Must Be Mini Mini Eggs"
something a autistisk jona-boi would say
britisk mini-gun rawrrrrrr
what most people truly do when they say they are multi-tasking. Mentally setting up a list of tasks to do in rapid sucession to get a multitude of tasks done in a short period of time.
"Oh my gosh, I've got to address this envelope, put the clothes in the dryer, check on the spaghetti cooking, and make sure to TiVo my shows."
"Better start mini-tasking."
Nathan: My friend Horro9cks apparently has a two inch terror.
Olly: Nah I heard it was more a mini pecker