The absolute one thing, the boys can not lie on. No like seriously you just can’t lie on it. It’s unforgivable if you do. So don’t. I’m serious don’t. They say, one kid lied on homie shit and…was never seen again.
“Craig did you and Becca really hit it off last night?” “Bro I on homie shit we did”
“Dude say on homie shit you didn’t eat the last donut” “on homie shit I didn’t”
“I dare you to jump in that fountain”
“On homie shit?”
“On homie shit bro!”
“Ight bet now I have to”
november 1st
go ahead and homie hop bc i said so
ex bf: your a homie hopper how dare you date my bro
me: don’t worry it’s national homie hopper day it’s okay
ex bf: oh okay your fine
Used when one wishes to partake in friendly, platonic activities with someone while avoiding entering the friend-zone.
Girlfriend: Hey babe, want to watch a movie?
Boyfriend: yeah let’s get ice cream and put on face masks too, no homie!
On Friday may 13th kiss your homies to prove your respect to them
National kiss your homies day “Yo it’s kiss yo homies day” “kisses”
All your dead peoples. It's like saying on my dead mother or some thing like that.
Meaning there putting something on there dead homies that died .
coming from inland empire slang .
Man on the dead homies he is doing the most