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random games Mudafukas

random games Mudafukas is a badass instagram chat room they play cs go, mc, warzone sometimes, and they get pussy every night. they win every game, they are friend, and do random shit like just talking and stuff idk,.... and now we are getting ready to play a game so leave us alone

random games Mudafukas is a good chat room

by Random Games mdfs March 28, 2021


The act of attacking someone in a fighting game for no reason. This generally describes how most people play fighting games, though the term emerged within a small community of players who just chill in fighting games for the sake of socializing.

Strangely, this concept of "randoming" is rejected by many, and "doesn't exist" to them.

A: Quit randoming, I did nothing to you.
B: Randoming doesn't exist, get over yourself.

by daft shit March 28, 2023

Random jumbinator

Randomised into a thing which jumbinates it

Jack: pick a number
Joe:hang on. I’ll use my random jumbinator

by November 23, 2021

christmas random

A person who recently received a video game or new console for Christmas and has absolutely zero fucking idea what they are doing. They enter multi-player mode and bring your team down because they suck. They’re a huge, moronic liability and are guaranteed to be on your team.

God! Why do we always get the Christmas random on our team? Fuck this RNG.

Why didn’t we can Yasuo? This Christmas random can’t even CS, he’s not gonna carry this game.

by Lawlspirit January 1, 2020

random letters

when you are bored and dont know what to do

some random guy: im bored so im going to type random letters qweru0qwehmporifdhs iafohwemrofqu34wh5rn0H(DF*A(PGH)RN(SDPU<{q4325't;erw.''<P}>FCZXP

by hihowareyoulol January 20, 2023

Random Posts

Any forum topic that has a considerable level of toxicity and will get locked in a day or two. Usually very difficult to moderate, but still doesn't beat the numberblocks community in toxicity level.

Why the fuck would they lock my new Random Posts thread?

by hotcrystal0 October 29, 2023


a thing that chooses for you

Wow the randomizer said yea

by Cooldude369 June 25, 2020