Rods leader ender dragon was the almightiest of the all and feared by the gron people. after many days mining diamonds enchanting and gathering netherite they fought they had a chance. the gron god gathered the mightiest and toughest warriors alvin jack sander bruno pellas ludvig l.bä. they searched for some minutes and actually found it pretty fast they all counted to three and then jumped in with all they had they attacked the dragon while pellas and jack destroyed the crystals for the dragon so it couldnt hea.l meanwhile sander and alvin shot arrows at it and L.bä ludvig and bruno attacked as soon it came down to the ground. after all the crystals were destroyed we all pushed it and attacked it all we could L.bä took some beds a ancient tactic known to be the dragons weakness they all swiped with their swords left to right meanwhile L.bä exploded beds until it sweeped away everybody with its tail .everyone made it but 2 grons were gone we didnt realise the first seconds until we saw alvhn fell of the world octnae fell of the world alvin and sander where dead forever. we were angry and pushed the dragon with our last powers we had in our powers and slashed it we saw the dragon float up slowly dying we jumped in the portal fast to not die by any other rods. we were happy but we were so tired so we couldnt celebrate we made it back to the village with 2 grons lost but rods leader dead we rested and healed up and payed respects to the grons then celebrated our win. The End
Rods förgöring is the most epic battle!
When you douce your uncles cock in lighter fluid and set it on fire as you jack him off
Ohhh daddy I used my uncles fire rod
When a desperate male, wakes up with his dick raw, bleeding and rapidly on its way to infection cuz he stuck it in the first east county swamp donkey he got to come home with him.
Damn kristen! Take me to the hospital! I think your rotting pussy made my dick have Cherried rod!!!
The best southern hardcore band in San Antonio Texas.
Have you heard Forty-Rod?
Forty what?
Oh my gosh they are only the best southern hardcore band in San Antonio!
A guy who is cool and gets girls.
"Hey Rod Eiron is a cool guy!"
'Yeah he is!"
First find a female partner then let her chain you down to a slab of wood and shove a rods up their ass, throat, and penis. Then proceed to whoop his balls with a little whip.
Person 1: are you Daring.
Person 2: yes
Person 1: let’s to rod and ball tourture
Person 2: FUCK THAT
I was at the gas station and these super hot, all tattooed, rod bucks came in and made my panties wet.