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Side Shot

The act of placing a buttcheek on the opposite side of the toilet seat to which it belongs, and therefore shitting on the floor. Much like the upper decker, this is also a weapon which should be used on only those who deserve it. The next unsuspecting person to enter into the lavatory, will find a pile of shit next to the toilet. Although extremely funny, use with caution and DON'T GET CAUGHT!!

I gave McDonalda the ol' side shot yesterday.

- lil johnny

I wonder how the janitor like the sideshot i left him.

- lil mary

by towlie621 February 3, 2010

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Salsa Shot

A shot of pace picante salsa that must be taken after a minimum of twelve games of beer pong to ensure that you vomit and have a shitty ass hangover that makes you feel horrid.

Rick: Horton why the hell are you taking salsa shots?
Horton: Shut the fuck up I'm a man's man!

by Lizard Fuckhead Bitch ASS January 8, 2009

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MerK Shot

-A Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Trickshot specialized by I8N MerK.

-Class NEEDED: Intervention, Clamore, and amazing no scoping ability

-The difficult shot is performed by reloding the intervention, jumping off a high platform, knife in mid air while doing a 360, claymore then tap y (xbox) / triangle (PS3), and lastly shoot the no scope to rape the guy.

(gaming on Call of Duty) O Shit! I merked this guy with the MerK Shot!

by I8N MerK April 12, 2011

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Rakim Shot

The rakim shot is a sexual act that takes place in a threeway or with more people. You start by ejaculating in one girl's belly button then get the other girl to drink it out of the belly button, like a tequila shot.

Hey girl's, prepare for the Rakim Shot!!

by SonKimmyUchiha August 15, 2014

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Tetris Shot

A Shot For when You accidentally Stab yourself with a Rotating L, S, T or Square, which play the song Korobeiniki.

(The shot has no effect on Tetris Attack)

"Well After I tried to put the L in the row, it fell on me and I needed to get a Tetris Shot."

by Alpha_The_Rebel August 4, 2009

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Snuffle Shot

To ejaculate (cum) in a woman's nose. Preferably while she is getting titty fucked so she doesn't expect it.

Have to make sure to get it deep in there, to where she gets the sniffles.

The Snuffle Shot - Catching the Skeezie in the Snizzie!

by 3Fity May 1, 2007

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money shot

During the act of sex, either oral, anal or vaginal, when the man pulls out and shoots a load of cum in his partners face.

Yo dog, I was hitting the skins with that floozy and when I was about to cum I pulled out and nailed her with the money shot. I felt like Clint Eastwood, got her right between the eyes.

by JHoop September 28, 2007

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